Pregnant Athlete (noun):

1. Exercise has always been a big part of who you are. It's bigger than the movement itself. It's that time for yourself and once you've done it you feel you can take on anything else in the day that comes your way!

2. You used to exercise a lot but haven't for while. Or you've never exercised! You have new goals and want to do things properly. Starting with the basics of movement and strength

3. You are a professional athlete or compete to a high level

Pregnant Athletes defy conventional expectations. 

If you fall into any one or more than one of these categories... YOU are a Pregnant Athlete!

37 Week Pregnancy Training Program

Access to 37 weeks of intentional block-style training including; 4 x strength sessions each week + 4 x conditioning options to blend into your strength block. Downloadable PDF summaries as well as voiced-over videos and instructions for every exercise.

Safe and effective exercises during pregnancy and postpartum.

Clinically reasoned and evidence-based programs designed to help your body adapt to the physical changes of pregnancy and help with postpartum recovery.

  • Intentional week-by-week programming during pregnancy

  • Address pain and restriction during pregnancy and postpartum

  • Foundational postpartum exercises that aid with healing and retraining basic movement patterns

  • Prepares your body for return to exercise after birth and sets you up to achieve your training goals

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