We are thrilled to offer a comprehensive education and training platform for athletes during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

We understand that there is often a lack of clear and reliable information available for athletes who want to continue training throughout pregnancy, and we want to change that!

This platform naturally evolved from our lived experiences while working together in Melbourne, Australia. Collaborating as a dynamic Physio and Osteo duo enabled us to provide the utmost intentional and progressive care for our pregnant and postpartum clients.

When Jay fell pregnant in 2020, even as a healthcare practitioner and professional athlete, she was confused by the conflicting information online regarding training throughout pregnancy and the early postpartum period.

Realising the immense gap in trustworthy and available information, Jay and I combined our skill-sets, passion and athletic mindset to create this platform... and in 2023, the Pregnant Athlete was born.

Our programs are clinically reasoned and supported by evidence-based practice. They have been tested, adapted and continually improved as Jay (the OG Pregnant Athlete) progressed through her pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Our mission is to provide Pregnant Athletes with a safe and effective training platform during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

The intentionality behind how and why we created our programs, is based on our knowledge of the physical, hormonal and biomechanical changes occurring in pregnancy and the postpartum period.

We understand the athlete mindset and endeavour to empower Pregnant Athletes during this season of change. We recognise the considerable physical and mental benefits to both the mother and baby that regular exercise provides.

At the heart of Pregnant Athlete is our belief that is takes a village to raise a child. Jay's Cook Island culture and my Italian heritage, provide the foundation of aspiring to support and empower all mothers during their pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Our wish for every Pregnant Athlete, is that you feel educated and empowered to safely and effectively train during this exciting season!

Jay and Rachel 

Co-founders of Pregnant Athlete 

Meet Jay and Rachel

"Falling pregnant with my daughter Mia in 2020, was the catalyst to collaborate with Rachel and together officially provide a resource for female athletes during their pregnancy and postpartum journey." - Jay 

The OG Pregnant Athlete, Physio and Strength Coach

"Collaborating with Jay during her pregnancy was an absolute game changer for Pregnant Athlete, but also for me personally! Jay's motivation and fierce dedication in maintaining an athlete mindset during such a transformational season, was truly inspirational. Ultimately, it highlighted the need for progressive and empowering resources for pregnant and postpartum athletes in the wider community." - Rachel 

Women's Health Osteo and Clinical Pilates Instructor

Get to know Jay

The OG Pregnant Athlete, Mum, Physio and Strength Coach

Basketball has been my passion and the main sport  I've played since I was young. I have been blessed to travel around the world with basketball in both a personal and professional capacity. 

Throughout my time in New Zealand and Australia, I have been involved in the development of female athletes on their rehabilitation journey.  It has been an incredibly rewarding experience, filled with some truly unforgettable moments. 

Working with these athletes, opened my eyes to the lack of research around women and training. The lack of direction for female athletes who want to continue to train during their pregnancy and how to return to sport after having a baby, was concerning!

Falling pregnant with my daughter Mia in 2020, was the catalyst to collaborate with Rachel and together officially provide a resource for female athletes during their pregnancy and postpartum journey. Working together with Rachel on my own programming during my pregnancy and postpartum period, gave us valuable insight into what challenges may present in the end stages of training as well as how the body and mind need to adjust to 3x training sessions per day. 

Following a lengthy hiatus from basketball due to lockdowns in Melbourne and the birth of my daughter Mia, I returned to the court at 11 months postpartum. Competing in the First Professional Basketball Women's League in New Zealand was an incredibly challenging and immensely rewarding experience. Trying to balance breastfeeding, disrupted sleep patterns and training commitments while focusing on my performance was really tough! I am so grateful and attribute my success to my remarkable support system and the work that Rachel and I did together through Pregnant Athlete.

My wish for every Pregnant Athlete is that you know we have recourses available to support you at any time throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey.  

Jay | Co-founder of Pregnant Athlete 

  • Physiotherapy Board NZ Registered Physiotherapist 
  • Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach

Get to know Rachel

Women's Health Osteo and Clinical Pilates Instructor

For as long as I can remember, my heart has been to educate and empower women on their health and wellbeing journey. 

My particular interest in pregnant and postpartum management led me to complete further training and acquire my Masters of Women's Health Medicine in 2021. This advanced study in addition to my years of clinical experience in private practice, fuelled my fascination and desire to better understand the interplay between health and performance, in particular the hormonal impact on strength and athletic performance across the female lifespan.  

I have spent years building on my skills and knowledge in this field, and my expertise allows me to provide my clients with individualised and intentional care that addresses their specific needs and goals while training during their pregnancy, postpartum period and beyond.

Collaborating with Jay during her pregnancy was an absolute game changer for Pregnant Athlete, but also for me personally! Jay's motivation and fierce dedication in maintaining an athlete mindset during such a transformational season, was truly inspirational and highlighted the need for progressive and empowering recourses for pregnant and postpartum athletes in the wider community. 

Over the last year, I have also ventured into research and academia at Deakin University, continuing to fuel my passion for research and dedication to make a positive change in the lives of current and future generation of female athletes. 

My wish for every Pregnant Athlete is that you feel informed and confident as you train during your pregnancy and postpartum period.  

Rachel | Co-founder of Pregnant Athlete

  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Registered Osteopath  
  • Masters of  Women's Health Medicine 
  • Clinical Pilates Instructor